Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Events You’d Never Want to Participate in: Strip Poker, The Bloggers’ Event

Sometimes you get nostalgic for the innocence of your youth; when the world seemed magical, touching a woman's breast seemed unattainable and the lure of free beer undeniable.
Then you remember that you can hop on a plane to Vegas, getting plastered on the way, snort coke off the ass of an ex-Playboy-centerfold-turned-escort, and stay up way past 11pm and the world has meaning again.
This weekend finds a very exclusive event at Casa de Surgesilk, the NoLimit Strip Poker Invitational. The ratio of men to women is about right (me and 5 young ladies), but always looking for more players...of the right gender that is. What started off as a challenge thrown down by me to a 'friend' of mine, now has the possibility of being a bacchanal of Old Testament proportions. I have to admit, I'll have to change my betting strategy and be aggressive early on. But I am concerned about my concentration once someone gets...err....short stacked.
OK, I made that all up... ahhh youth.


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